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Project code 2020-1-IT02-KA201-079528
In this page you will find references to Astronomy Education news: how Astronomy is taught to students all round the world.
manuale dello studente – Italiano
Student’s book – school activities solutions:
3-dimensional activities: teacher’s book with solutions and extra contents
and you can find in the Zenodo repository many other interesting activities and handbooks
In this project, we make our educational proposal: to use Astronomy as a possible entry point for science education and, this way, to consider Astronomy as a ‘gateway’ science to other STEM fields. We will focus as well on optimizing the teaching and learning potential of Planetariums on several specific astronomical basic concepts. Indeed, since visualizing the sky and its motion is one of the main goals of a planetarium, the planetarium itself might be a powerful setting to enhance student learning of the concepts that present complexities and obstacles to a deep understanding.

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